What's up 4 Non Blondes

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords Novice The Tonal Key A
    142 favorites
A Bm D A
A Bm D A

ATwenty Five years and my life is still
BmTrying to get up that great big hill of Dhope
For a destiAnation
AI realized quickly when I knew that I should
That the wBmorld was made of this brotherhood of Dman
For whatever that Ameans

AAnd So I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to Bmget it all out
whats in my head and I,D I am feeling a little pecAuliar.
ASo I wake in the morning and I step outside
and I Bmtake a deep breath and I get real high and
I DScream at the top of my lungs WHATS GOIN OAN?

AAnd I said Heyeyeyeyey
I said DHey Whats going Aon?
AAnd I said Heyeyeyeyey
I said DHey Whats going oAn?

AOoh, OBmoh DOoh A 
And I Atry, oh my god do I Bmtry
I try all the Dtime, in this instiAtution
And I Apray, oh my god do I Bmpray
I pray every single Dday
For a revoAlution

AAnd So I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to Bmget it all out
whats in my head and I,D I am feeling a little peAculiar.
ASo I wake in the morning and I step outside
and I Bmtake a deep breath and I get real high and
I DScream at the top of my lungs WHATS GOIN OAN?

AAnd I said Heyeyeyeyey
I said DHey Whats going Aon?
AAnd I said Heyeyeyeyey
I said DHey Whats going Aon?

ATwenty-five years and my life is still
BmTrying to get up that great big hill ofD hope
For a destiAnation

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Wojtek M
Wojtek M
Daniel Ka
Daniel Ka