Time Will Tell Bob Marley

He sent the removal proposal
4 years ago
This song has one published interpretation
Instrument: Lyrics


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JAH would never give the power to a baldhead
Run come crucify the dread

Time alone, oh! time will tell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Time alone, oh! time will tell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell

Back them up, oh not the brothers
But the ones, who set them up

Time alone, oh! time will tell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Time alone, oh! time will tell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell

Oh children weep no more
Oh my sycamore tree, saw the freedom tree
Saw you settle the score
Oh children weep no more
Weep no more, children weep no more

JAH would never give the power to a baldhead
Run come crucify the dread

Time alone, oh! time will tell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell
Time alone, oh! time will tell
Think you're in heaven but you're living in hell

Deletion +2 -0

Status: Approved
Value: 1 karma points

Votes and comments

  • jesienin

    Voted to approve with 60 points 4 years ago

  • kasiasrasia

    Voted to approve with 50 points 4 years ago


Chords History

We received 24 years ago
Deletion 4 years ago