I've Got What You Need Afromental

He sent the removal proposal
4 years ago
This song has one published interpretation
Instrument: Lyrics




When I look at your body
I see you're really attractive
Baby girl yeah baby girl yeah.
You're lookin' by me and by me
I'm findin compash and startin'
don't you know girl?
When you mess around me makes me go crazy
I'm tryin' to keep up but still I'm kinda lazy
You're next to me pretending to be a queen
You're going by livin now still lookin' at me girl

I've got what you need but if you don't it cry
Is no fuckin tonight baby girl
So do what you can or you do what is right
It's your decision it's your time

Babe,you see my smile and moving quicker
Maybe you think that i'm a love seeker
But I want you now for them gold-diggers to look and that you wondering can make goodbye
Every move that you make
Everytime that you look at me
Every smile that I see makes me think of my fantasies
I'll be by your side
We both gettin down
but it turn around to pay with another girl

I've got what you need but if you don't it cry
Is no fuckin tonight baby girl
So do what you can or you do what is right
It's your decision it's your time

Every move that you make
Every time that you look
I'm near by your side
We both getting down
But it turn around
To pay with another guy

I've got what you need but if you don't it cry
Is no fuckin tonight baby girl
So do what you can or you do what is right
It's your decision it's your time

Deletion +3 -0

Status: Approved
Value: 1 karma points

Votes and comments

  • radecek

    Voted to approve with 30 points 4 years ago

  • floem

    Voted to approve with 50 points 4 years ago

  • Beta

    Voted to approve with 30 points 4 years ago


Chords History

We received 15 years ago
Deletion 4 years ago