I Am The Highway Audioslave

He sent the removal proposal
4 years ago
This song has 2 published interpretations
Instrument: Lyrics




Pearls that swim the rift of me
long and weary my road has been
I was lost in the cities
alone in the hills
no sorrow I feel
for anything I feel yea

I am not your rolling wheels
I am a highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky

friends and liars
don't wait for me
cause I'll get on
all by myself
put millions of miles
under my heels
and still too close to you
i feel

I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the sky here
I am not your automn moon
I am the night
the night

I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet rag
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the lightining
I am not your automon
I am the night

Deletion +3 -0

Status: Approved
Value: 1 karma points

Votes and comments

  • meg

    Voted to approve with 40 points 4 years ago

  • Rocky

    Voted to approve with 50 points 4 years ago

  • radecek

    Voted to approve with 30 points 4 years ago


Chords History

We received 17 years ago
Deletion 4 years ago