Bubble Gum Clairo

Lyrics and ukulele chords

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CSorry I Ddidn't kiss Gyou   Em  
But it's Cobvious ID wanted toG 
CBubble gum Ddown my thrGoat, and it's a cuEmrse
But my Cluck couldn't Dget any worGse
'Cause I Cswallowed the Dbubble gumG       Em  
Oh, and these Cseven years will Dbe pretty dumGb
CPink flowers Dgrow from Gmy skinEm  
CPepto bismol Dveins and GI grin
CYou look so Dnice in yGour Emshirt
It's Csad becaDuse it Gjust hurts
CI'd do DanythinGg for Emyou
But Cwould you do Dthat for mGe, too?

'Cause I Cswallowed the Dbubble gumG       Em  
Oh, and these Cseven years will Dbe pretty dumGb
CPink flowers Dgrow from Gmy skinEm  
CPepto bismol Dveins and GI grin

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