Emmylou Anavitória

Lyrics and guitar chords

  • Guitar chords floem
Oh thCe bitter wEminds are cAm7oming in,F 
And CIm already missEming the summAm7er     F 
StCockholms cold bEmut Ive been tAm7old     F 
I wCas born to Emendure this kind of weathAmer.    F 
WhCen its yEmou I find likeAm7 a ghost in my mFind,
I'm defCeated and I gladlEmy wear the crGown

CI'll be your Emmylou and FI'll be your June
Am7And you'll be my Graham and mGy Johnny too

No, I'm not asking much of you
Just sAm7ing little dGarling, sing with mCe

So mCuch I knEmow, that thAm7ings just dont grFow
If you dCont blEmess them with your pAm7atiencFe
And Ive bCeen there befEmore, I hAm7eld up the doFor
For evCery strEmanger with a prAm7omise  F 
But CI'm holdEming back,
That's the strAm7ength that I lFack,
Every mCorning keeps rEmeturning at my wAm7indow F 
And it bCrings me to yEmou,
And I wAm7on't just pass thrFough,
But Im nCot Emasking for a stGorm

CI'll be your Emmylou and FI'll be your June
Am7And you'll be my Graham and mGy Johnny too
NCo, I'm not asking mFuch of you
Just sAm7ing little dGarling, sing with mCe

AmAnd yes, GI mFight have lied to yCou,
AmYou wouldnt bGenefit frFom knowing the tCruth
AmI was frGightened but FI held bCack,
AmI need Gyou now Fat long Clast

CI'll be your Emmylou and FI'll be your June
Am7And you'll be my Graham and mGy Johnny too.
NCo, I'm not asking mFuch of you
Just sAm7ing little dGarling, sing with mCe

CI'll be your Emmylou and FI'll be your June
Am7And you'll be my Graham and mGy Johnny too.
NCo, I'm not asking mFuch of you
Just sAm7ing little dGarling, sing with mCe

Just sAm7ing little dGarling sing with mCe.

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