Memories Shawn Mendes

When I Ewake up to your footsteps
As you G#mget up out of bed
They make a sF#mound that sounds so simple
But it daAnces in my heBad

A melEody so perfect
That it G#mgets through the day
And the tF#mhought of us forever
Is one that I'll neAver go aBway

EAll I need to know is where to start
G#mTake my hand and show me forever

So I nF#mever will, I'll ever let you Bgo

So lEet's hold on together
To this pG#maper and this pen
And write F#mdown every letter
To every wAord we've ever sBaid

EAll I need to know is where to start
G#mTake my hand and show me forever
So I nF#mever will, I'll ever let you Bgo

Let's wrEite our story
Let's sBing our song
Let's G#hang our pictures on the C#mwall
All these prEecious moments
That we cBarved in stone
Are G#only memories after C#mall

AmMemories after Eall
AmMemories after Eall
And all A 

AYou gave me Ehope
AAnd I've got to let Ego
EI've got to let Bgo
Oh oh A 

AIt's taking it's Etoll
ADeep in my sEoul
ENow I've got to let Bgo

We wrEote our story
And we sBang our songs
We G#hung our pictures on the C#mwall
Now those prEecious moments
That we cBarved in stone
Are oG#nly memories after C#mall

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