When I need You Rod Stewart

Lyrics and guitar chords

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When I neDed you
I just close my eyes and I'm wAith you
And all that I so want to gBmive you
it's only a heart beat awAay
When I nDeed love
I hold out my hand and I tAouch love
I never knew there was so mBmuch love
keeping me warm night and dAay

MBmiles and miles of empty space in betwAeen us
A tBmelephone can't take the place of your smAile
But you knDow I won't be travelling forEmever
It's cGold oDut but hGold oDut and dGo lDike EmI dAo

When I neDed you
I just close my eyes and I'm wAith you
And all that I so want to gBmive you baby
it's only a heart beat awAay

BmIt's not easy when the road is your drAiver
HBmoney that's a heavy load that we bAear
But you knDow I won't be travelling a lEmifetime
It's cGold oDut so hGold oDut and dGo lDike EmI dAo

When I nDeed you   A  Bm   A 

When I nDeed love
I hold out my hands and I tAouch love
I never knew there was so mBmuch love
keeping me warm night and dAay
When I neDed you
I just close my eyes and I'm wAith you
and all that I so want to gBmive you
it's only a heartbeat awAay

Now listen
When I need you darlin''
I hold you, feel ya
Give it to me baby

And I miss ya baby
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And I need you tonight
You know it's only a heart beat away

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