Counting Stars One Republic

  • Guitar chords Novice
    202 favorites
  • Guitar chords Novice The Tonal Key C
    2 ratings
Am C G F

AmLately I've been, IC've been losing sleep
GDreaming about the things that Fwe could be
But bAmaby I've been, I'Cve been praying hard
GSaid no more counting dollars
WeF'll be counting stars

Yeah, we'll be counting stars

I see this lAmife

Like a swinging vine
SwCing my heart across the line
GIn my face is flashing signs
SeekF it out and ye shall find
OAmld, but I'm not that old
YCoung, but I'm not that bold
AGnd I don't think the world is sold
IF'm just doing what we're told
AmI fCeel something so Gright
Doing the wrFong thing
AmI fCeel something so Gwrong
Doing the riFght thing

I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Ref. (x2)
AmLately I've been, IC've been losing sleep
GDreaming about the things that Fwe could be
But bAmaby I've been, I'Cve been praying hard
GSaid no more counting dollars
WeF'll be counting stars

I feel the lAmove

And I feel it burn
DoCwn this river every turn
HoGpe is a four-letter word
MFake that money

Watch it burn
OAmld, but I'm not that old
YCoung, but I'm not that bold
AGnd I don't think the world is sold
IF'm just doing what we're told
And AmI feCel something soG wrong
Doing the riFght thing

I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie

Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly

Ref. (x2)
AmLately I've been, IC've been losing sleep
GDreaming about the things that Fwe could be
But bAmaby I've been, I'Cve been praying hard
GSaid no more counting dollars
WeF'll be counting stars

AmTake that money

Watch it burn
SCink in the river

The lessons I've learned
TaGke that money

Watch it burn
SiFnk in the river

The lessons I've learned
AmTake that money

Watch it burn
SCink in the river

The lessons I've learned
TaGke that money

Watch it burn
SiFnk in the river

The lessons I've learned

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Ref. (x2)
AmLately I've been, IC've been losing sleep
GDreaming about the things that Fwe could be
But bAmaby I've been, I'Cve been praying hard
GSaid no more counting dollars
WeF'll be counting stars

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