109 song
- About A Girl
- About a girl czyli O pewnej dziewczynie
- Aero Zeppelin
- Ain't it a shame
- Alcohol (High On The Hog)
- All You Need Is Love
- Aneurysm
- Anorexorcist (Suicide Samurai)
- Anything for love
- Asshole
- Baba o'riley
- Bad moon rising
- Bambi Slaughter (Bambi Kill)
- Beans
- Beauty on the fire
- Been A Son
- Beeswax
- Big Cheese
- Big Long Now
- Blandest
- Blew
- Born in a junkyard
- Breed
- Buffy's pregnant
- California
- Cannibal Rights
- Center of the Earth
- Class of '86
- clean up before she comes
- Cocaine girl
- Coś na przeszkodzie (Something in the Way)
- d7
- Dive
- Do Re Mi
- do you love me?
- Downer
- Drain you
- Endless , Nameless
- Endless, nameless (Bezkresny, bezimienny)
- Floyd the barber
- Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle
- gallons of rubbing alcohol
- Heart Shaped Box
- help me, i'm hungry
- here she comes now
- i hate myself and i want to die
- Immodium (Early version of Breed)
- In Bloom
- in his room
- Jesus, Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam
- junkyard
- Lake of fire
- Lithium
- Lounge Act
- Love buzz
- marigold
- Milk It
- Molly lips
- Molly's Lips
- Mr Moustache
- MV Marijuana
- Negative creep
- Oh, Me
- Oh, The Guilt
- Old Age
- On a plain
- on the mountain
- Paper Cuts
- Pay To Play
- Pen Cap Chew
- Pennyroyal Tea
- Plateau
- Plateu
- Polly
- Przyjdź Taki Jaki Jesteś (Come As You Are)
- Pudełko W Kształcie Serca (Heart Shaped Box)
- Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
- Rio
- sappy
- Scentless Apprentice
- School
- Scoff
- Serve The Servants
- Sifting
- silver
- Smells like teen spirit
- Smells like teen spirit (smród młodości)
- Smells Like Teen Spirit (tonacja e-mol)
- Something in the way
- Son Of A Gun
- spectre
- Stain
- Stay away
- Swap meet
- talk to me
- Territorial pissings
- The Man Who Sold The World
- The money will roll right in
- The priest they call him
- They hung him on a cross

There are multiple artists tracked as "Nirvana" on Following are six, listed in order of prominence:
1) Nirvana was a popular and highly influential American grunge band. The band formed in Aberdeen, Washington in 1987, and it was part of the Seattle grunge scene of the late 80s, alongside bands like Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden. As their popularity rose, alternative rock became a dominant genre on American and Canadian radio and music television during the early-to-mid '90s.
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