Led Zeppelin
110 song
- Achilles Last Stand
- All My Love
- Around And Around
- As Long as I Have You
- babe i gonna leave you
- Baby, Come On Home
- Battle of Everymore
- Bawiąc Się (Out On The Tiles)
- Bez Litości (No Quarter)
- Black Country Woman
- Black Mountain Side
- Boogie With Stu
- born-y-aur stomp
- Brandy & Coke
- Bring It On Home
- Bring It On Home (Rough Mix)
- Brnij Dalej (Ramble On)
- bron-Y-Aur Stomp
- Bron-Y-Aur Stomp (Bron-Y-Aur Stomp)
- C'mon Everybody
- Całe Mnóstwo Miłości (Whole Lotta Love)
- Candy Store Rock
- Carouselambra
- Co Jest, A Czego Nigdy Nie Powinno Być (What Is And What...)
- Custard Pie
- Cytrynowa Pieśń (The Lemon Song)
- Czarny Pies (Black Dog)
- Cztery Kije (Four Sticks)
- D'yer Mak'er (D'yer Mak'er)
- Dancing Days
- Darlene
- Dazed And Confused
- Deszczowa Piosenka (The Rain Song)
- Dni Tańca (Dancing Days)
- Dobre Czasy, Złe Czasy (Good Times Bad Times)
- Down By The Seaside
- Dream On
- Dziękuję Ci (Thank You)
- Everybody Makes It Through
- Fixin' To Die
- Fool In The Rain
- For Your Life
- Going To California
- Houses Of The Holy
- How Many More Times
- I'm Gonna Crawl
- Ile Jeszcze Razy (How Many More Times)
- In My Time Of Dying
- In The Evening
- In The Light
- Kapelusze Z Głów Przed (Royem) Harperem
- Kashmir
- Kiedy Pęka Tama (When The Levee Breaks)
- living loving maid
- Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)
- Łamaczka Serc (Heartbreaker)
- Mała, Mam Zamiar Cię Porzucić (Babe I'm Gonna Leave You)
- Mandarynka (Tangerine)
- Nie Potrafię Cię Porzucić (I Can't Quit You Baby)
- Night Flight
- No Quarter
- Nobody's Fault But Mine
- Ocean (The Ocean)
- Od Kiedy Cię Pokochałem (Since I've Been Loving You)
- Odwieczna Walka (The Battle Of Evermore)
- Oszołomiony i Zdezorientowany (Dazed And Confused)
- Out On The Tiles
- out on the titles
- Ozone Baby
- Pieśń Emigranta (Immigrant Song)
- Pieśń Pozostaje Taka Sama (The Song Remains The Same)
- Podróż Do Kaliforni (Going To California)
- Ponad Wzgórzami i Dalej (Over The Hills And Far Away)
- Poor Tom
- Przerwa W Komunikacji (Communication Breakdown)
- Przyjaciele (Friends)
- Przynieś To Do Domu (Bring It On Home)
- Ramble On
- Rock And Roll (Rock And Roll)
- Royal Orleans
- Schody Do Nieba (Stairway To Heaven)
- Sick Again
- South Bound Saurez
- Stairway to heaven / "Schody do nieba"
- Stairway To Heaven (intro)
- Święto (Celebration Day)
- Szokujesz Mnie (You Shook Me)
- Szubienica (Gallows Pole)
- Tak Powinno Być (That's The Way)
- Tea For One
- Ten Years Gone
- Thank You
- The battle of evermore
- The Crunge
- The Crunge (The Crunge)
- The Lemon Song
- The Rain Song
- the song remains the same
- The Wanton Song
- Trampled Underfoot

Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin was a hard rock band formed in London in 1968. The group comprised vocalist Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page, bassist and keyboardist John Paul Jones, and drummer John Bonham. With a heavy, guitar-driven sound, they are cited as one of the progenitors of hard rock and heavy metal, although their style drew from a variety of influences, including blues and folk music. Led Zeppelin have been credited as significantly impacting the nature of the music industry
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