The Man In You Faithless


  • Song lyrics Luelle
Although I don't really know how to handle you
I will have nobody kicking no sand in your face
Not even a trace of bland in you
Teenage and it's a trouble understanding you

You got plenty of energy and stamina
Forgot all the little tricks I tried to cram in you
There's a bit of, 'I don't give a damn' in you, ha
And that's your old man in you

Stand in your way, never or ever abandon ya
And on the day people say what they can't stand in ya
Don't let your ego get out of hand on ya
It ain't a good look when crook-kharma land on ya

Balance yourself, bring out the Zinedine Zidane in you
The I will and I can in you
Execute the grand plan in you
I'm your daddy and happy to see the man in you

Might know too much but I'm no soft touch
Brought you up, to recognize lies as such
I need no crutch, child hood was arduous
And if there is a God I'm sure He would pardon us
Must be working hard in us, not to harden us

10, that you really wanna be
20, exactly what you see is on telly
11, you can't tell him anything
That he don't know already

12, they get together steady
Explore the 1st keeping up with the many
13, none of them are ready
Living on old raised broke not a penny

14, baby in the belly
She's all done a runner another no daddy
15, Nanny and she loves it dearly
Head strong proving all along but wary

16, scale we were quite contrary
This is how the garden grows
This is how the garden grows

Children, you still own the power
To turn this into your finest hour
Now a young ma mum that mistake
Can make a contribution why don't we wait and see

Give back the mothers their dignity
And the fathers who roam free a lesson in humility
This society needs to learn empathy

It happened to you, it could happen to me
It happened to you, it could happen to me
It happened to you, it could happen to me
It happened to you, it could happen to me

Birds and bees without flowers
Girls be strong, boys don't cower
Stand by your seat, scream and shower
Oh, how the sweet can turn sour

Birds and bees without flowers
Girls be strong, boys don't cower
Stand by your seat, scream and shower
Oh, how the sweet can turn sour

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  • anonim
    Anonymous User
    Miło cię poznać,
    Nazywam się koneh slyvia Miss, Jak szept modlitwy mojej nocy i udał się do poszukiwania przyjaciela na miłe natknąłem kontaktu, mój umysł i moje serce powiedział mi, do skontaktowania się z przyjaźni, przyjaciela, który w pełni zrozumieć jego przyjaciel i razem dzielą się swoimi uczuciami. proszę łaskawie przyjąć mój wniosek, uważam, że odległość lub wiek nie może być barierą, ale niech miłość łączy nas, ponieważ miłość jest most, który połączony oddali się blisko siebie, wyślę moje zdjęcia od razu i otrzymać odpowiedź na mój adres e-mail
    Twój In Love,
    Nice To Meet You,
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    · Report · 13 years ago