Dirty Ol' Man Faithless


  • Song lyrics Luelle
He's a dirty old man,
And a dirty old man,
He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.

He's a dirty old man,
And a dirty old man,
He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.

I'm a dirty old man, the mean streets are home.
My life is cold,
I'll chill you to the bone,
Heart of stone,
Have a care,
I can't [...]
You know my breath stinks,
I leave shit everywhere,
So be aware I'm unfeeling
Don't you dare try appealing to my better nature,
You better wait, you're misinformed,
Ain't nothing warm about me,
Cold and gray, concrete clay and steel,
And what else is real?
I mean the actual deal,
People seem to love living under my hair,
Some of them call me London,
I'm also known as New York.
Anywhere in the world you find me
I talk the same bad talk,
Walk the same walk from side to side,
You're transparent to me,
There ain't a thing you can hide,
Derive glamour from the stamina it takes to survive.
You think I [...]
Now give me your cash and go
Before you're heart brakes,
You're living under my wing
And all you got I'm going to take,
I'm a dirty old man.

He's a dirty old man and a dirty old man,
He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.
He's a dirty old man and a dirty old man,
He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.

I'm a rough old man beyond heart ache,
To improve my mood I could use an earthquake,
I sit awake for my people to release the pain,
So I can know peace again
In my skin, sin deceit and mistrust soaked in,
I think I might just fuss
Often drops of woe, streets flow with tears,
I fall down all around your ears.
If I could, if I was made of wood start a fire, no lie,
I can afford to smoke sacred fire
'Cause I wouldn't bet on people changing just yet
My eyes are wet and my heart is full of fear and regret,
So you're catching the rough edge of my tongue,
I started young, I got teenagers carrying guns.
I hear you wanna hold me to blame, but we're the same,
So for me win society and feel the shame,
I'm a rough old man.

He's a dirty old man and a dirty old man,
He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.
He's a dirty old man and a dirty old man,
He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.

I'm a rough old man, this is who I am.
He's a dirty old man and a dirty old man,
He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.

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  • anonim
    Anonymous User
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    · Report · 13 years ago