My Heart Will Go On Celine Dion

Wstęp :C#m B A B

EEvery night in my drBeams
I Asee you, I feeEl youB,
EThat is how I knowB you go on        Asus2  

EFar across the distancBe
And spacAes between us  E      B 
EYou have come to show you Bgo on             Asus2  

C#mNear,B far, whereverA you are B 
I be liC#meve that the heBart does go on      A             Asus2            B 

C#mOnce Bmore you open Athe door    B 
And you're hC#mere in my harC#mt  
And my heart Awill go on aEnd Bon        C#m          B        A        B 

ELove can touch us one timeB 
And lasAt for a lifeE timBe
EAnd never let go tiBll we're oneAsus2  

ELove was when I loved yoBu
One truAe time I hold Eto    G#7   
C#mIn my life we'lG#ml al-------ways gAsus2o on

C#mNear,B far, whereverA you are B 
I belC#mieve that the heBart does go on      A             Asus2            B 

C#mOnce Bmore you open Athe door    B 
And you're hC#mere in my heaC#mrt 
And my heart Awill go on and onE   B     C#m             B           A             B               C#m   

B     A     C#m     G#7    Fm       D# You're hereC#, there'D#s nothing I fear,
And I knoFmw that my heart wiD#ll go on        C#  
D#    Fm We&#D#39;ll stayC# forever tD#his way
You are safe Fmin my heart Cm  
And my heart C#will go on and oG#n  D#   G#  

Zakończenie : D# C# G#

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  • Grzegorz Pietrzak
    warto by chociaż notację B na polską H przestawić przy kopiowaniu :D

    · Report · 4 years ago
  • Anonimowy Użytkownik

    · Report · 7 years ago
  • Anonimowy Użytkownik
    nie pasuje Oo

    · Report · 9 years ago